

单词 secret
释义 secretsecretersecretestsecretsecret1 /ˈsiːkrɪt/ adjective1if something is secret, only a few people know about it ➔ secrecy: a secret plan秘密计划a secret meetingmeet秘密会议You must keep this secret (=not tell anyone).这事你必须保密。He kept his marriage secret from his parents (=he did not tell his parents about it).keepparent他把自己结婚的事瞒着父母。2[only before noun] doing something without telling anyone, because you do not want other people to know about it: I think he’s a secret gambler. 我觉得他私下里是个赌徒。You’ve got a secret admirer (=someone who likes you romantically without telling you).get有个人在暗恋你。—secretlysecretly adverb: I secretly recorded our conversation.record我偷偷地把我们的谈话录了音。THESAURUS: secretsecret if something is secret, only a few people know about it: They kept the wedding secret.keepconfidential used about information which is secret and not intended to be shown or told to other people: confidential information about patients’ medical historypatientclassified used about information that the government has ordered to be kept secret from most people: The document contains classified information about US military bases.containclassifybasisundercover working secretly in order to find out information for the government or the police: Detectives arrested the man after a five-day undercover operation.detectivearrestunderground an underground political organization operates secretly and illegally: He was a member of the underground resistance movement in France during World War II.be




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